Hello Stitch-O-Mat followers.
​ Due to the current Level 4 Lockdown, we have needed to close Stitch-O-Mat until further notice. We hope you all stay well and safe during this time and we look forward to getting back into the swing of things once we return to a Level by which we can do this safely. In the meantime, we thought we would update our website while we are away from the physical site, and also move our content to be 100% online. To do this we have started a YOUTUBE channel. You can find us here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB2gcF5ZQWMft_VxL6SRNBA but we will also be uploading these onto our Facebook page. So keep an eye out for our video tutorials. We all here at Stitch-O-Mat look forward to seeing you all again soon. Stitch-O-Mat Team